Tichoniuk Pawel – Photographer/Retoucher born in Poland (1986), Bialystok. Currently living and working in London, for the last 18 years constantly in love with photography. The year 1999, during times when everything seems to be easier, when curiosity about life was my main desire and this curiosity led me to a fantastic discovery, hidden in the back of my fathers` wardrobe – Zenit 11 – my first camera. I think that photography appeared in my life at the right time when digital photography started to play a leading role above the analogue one. I was somewhere in the middle. The beginning was not an easy time. Even basic knowledge was not available like it is today, but I was very lucky. Just after my best discovery of the saint Gral – Zenit 11, my parents sent me to a summer holiday camp where I met my colleague Mark. This was the beginning of an adventure. He introduced the world of photography to me. Also, the picturesque surroundings of the Narew river helped me take my first, beautiful pictures. From this moment a camera is with me almost every day of my life. As a knowledge-hungry young man, I decided to expand my skills, learnt from the books, seminars, many art projects and my time in the modelling agency. I still want to polish my skills in all possible areas of photography as I am very passionate about versatility. I don’t agree with the photographers` mantra – you should only learn and practise one type of photography.
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